Using Midi files


Midi files provide an excellent and (usually) free way to learn your part.  Used with the right player they allow you to emphasise your particular line and you can slow down tricky sections while you are learning them.  

An excellent resource for finding midi files for a particular work is the website learnchoralmusic, and we also publish links in the mebers' section of this website for works that we are currently rehearsing.  

Sections below provide some guidance on how to use midi files on Apple devices and on Microsoft windows.  

Apple devices

You first need to install the "Learn my Part" app, obtainable from the App Store.  This allows playback of midi files.  

We have recorded a couple of short videos which demonstrate how to download and use a midi file, so please watch one of these:

iPhone video

iPad video

Or if you prefer written instructions:

Microsoft Windows

For instructions on using midi files on Windows laptops and similar devices please refer to this document.