Members' information

Choir calendar

Here is a list of upcoming rehearsals and other events. 

You can also add this calendar to your Google, Microsoft or Apple device.  Open your calendar on your phone, iPad or laptop, select "add other calendar" and then copy and paste this url:

Choir events will now appear in your diary and will automatically update whenever events are added/changed

Rehearsal schedule

Here is a list of things to practise in advance of the next rehearsal

Half term, 21 and 28 October: Cum Sancto and  Spiritu, Et Resurrexit

For 14 October: Et Resurrexit, plus Sancto and Agnus Dei

For 7 October: Credo, Pages 106 -123; Et Resurrexit pages 150 -173

For 30 September:  Et Resurrexit : Page 129 onwards

For 23 September: Cum Sancto Spiritu:  Page 75 onwards

Charitable status and constitution

The choir is a registered charity.  You can see the charity commission page about us by clicking here.

Here is a link to our constitution.

Data protection and retention policy

Here is a link to our data protection and retention policy

Paying subscriptions

The termly subscription due from all members is £80 and there are three terms per year. 

When paying your sub if possible please do pay on-line.  Just put the word "Subscription" in the reference field when making the payment (and also your surname if not the same name as the account the payment is being made from).  The bank details are: 

Putney Choral Society
40-02-35 61432125

Alternatively, you can pay via a debit/credit card on a Monday night. but we'd prefer payment via bank transfer where possible. 

If paying the standard subscription causes you a problem please speak in confidence to Paula.  While needing to cover our running costs we don't want anyone to be deterred from singing with us.

Past performances

Click here for a list of works performed since 2012.